Spacemacs Web

Version: 0.200.XX

Table of Contents


Description Key Binding
highlight DOM errors SPC m e h
go to the beginning of current element SPC m g b
go to the parent element SPC m g p
go to next sibling SPC m g s
show xpath of the current element SPC m h p
delete the current element (does not delete the children) SPC m r d
rename current element SPC m r r
wrap current element SPC m r w
fold/unfold current element SPC m z

Initiate transient-state with SPC m . or ~,.~ to do:

Description Key Binding
leave the transient-state q
Toggle full help ?
clone current element c
delete (vanish) current element (does not delete the children) d
delete current element and children D
next element j
next sibling element J / gj
parent element h
previous element k
previous sibling element K / gk
first child element l
show xpath of current element p
rename current element r
wrap current element w


For SCSS linting gem install scss_lint_reporter_checkstyle and scss-lint

Description Key Binding
quickly navigate CSS rules using helm SPC m g h
fold css statement to one line SPC m z c
unfold css statement to one line SPC m z o

Code Expansion

The html layer also installs emmet. To expand emmet formulas simply press C-j at the end.

Description Key Binding
Prefix Command C-c
emmet-expand-line C-j/C-RET
emmet-prev-edit-point C-M-left
emmet-next-edit-point C-M-right
emmet-wrap-with-markup C-c w

HTML abbreviations

Basic tags

HTML Emmet
<a href=""></a> a
<a id="q" class="x y z" href=""></a> a#q.x.y.z
<div id="q"></div> #q
<div class="x"></div> .x

Self-closing tags

HTML Emmet
<input type="text" name="" value=""/> input[type=text]
<img src="" alt=""/> img
<meta id="q" class="x y z" href=""/> meta/#q.x.y.z


HTML Emmet
<a href=""></a><b></b> a+b

We can now concat a#q.x.y.z+b#p.l.m.n to get:

<a id="q" class="x y z" href=""></a>
<b id="p" class="l m n"></b>

Tag expansion

table+ generates:


dl+ expands to:


Furthermore, ul++ol+ produces:


Also, ul#q.x.y[m=l] results in:

<ul id="q" class="x y" m="l">

Parent > child

For nested element, a#q.x.y.z>b#p.l.m.n would generate:

<a id="q" class="x y z" href="">
  <b id="p" class="l m n"></b>

And a>b+c>d creates:

<a href="">


We can add repeated element using multiplication a*2>b*2

<a href="">
<a href="">

Multiplication applies to properties a#q.x>b#q.x*2. Beware of ids.

<a id="q" class="x" href="">
  <b id="q" class="x"></b>
  <b id="q" class="x"></b>


HTML Emmet
<b x=""></b> b[x]
<b x="y"></b> b[x=y]
<b x="y"></b> b[x="y"]
<b x="()"></b> b[x="()"]
<b x="" m=""></b> b[x m]
<b id="foo" class="bar mu" x="y" m="l"></b>[x=y m=l]
<b id="foo" class="bar mu" x="y" m="l"/> b/[x=y m=l]


We can use curly braces like so p>{Click}+span{here}+{ to continue} for embedded text:

  to continue

CSS abbreviations

Basic Usage

Emmet formulas like p1-2!+m10e+bd1#2s produce CSS like

padding: 1px 2px !important;
margin: 10em;
border: 1px #222 solid;


CSS Emmet
margin: ; m
background: #fff url() 0 0 no-repeat; bg+
color: #000; c#0
width w
height h
background bg
font-weight: bold; fw:b


Separate each value either with - or spaces.

CSS Emmet
margin: 1px 2px 3px 4px; m1-2-3-4
margin: 1px 2px 3px 4px; m1 2 3 4
margin: 1px -2px; m1--2
margin: 1px -2px; m1 -2
background: #cccccc url(/back.png) 10px 20px repeat-x; bg+#c /back.png 10 20 repeat-x

Multiple property definition

Concatenate properties using +. For instance, m0+p10+c#f+fw:b+w100+h20+bg#f00 results in:

margin: 0px;
padding: 10px;
color: #fff;
font-weight: bold;
width: 100px;
height: 20px;
background: #f00;

Value units

CSS Emmet
margin: 10% 30em 5ex; m10p30e5x
Unit Alias
px (nothing)
em e
% p
rem r
