Spacemacs layers

Version: 0.200.XX

Table of Contents


Description Key Binding
Change “ to ‘ SPC m x '
Change ‘ to “ SPC m x "
Change string to symbol SPC m x :
evil-matchit jumps between blocks %

Note: For a better experience using the Ruby layer may add minitest, and reek gems to the local system. Also, use rbenv or similar.


Make sure to have a Gemfile in your project and include gem 'pry'.

Description Key Binding
start REPL SPC m s i
switch to REPL SPC m s s
go to definition (robe-jump) SPC m g g
go to Documentation SPC m h d
send function definition SPC m s f
send function definition and switch to REPL SPC m s F
send region SPC m s r
send region and switch to REPL SPC m s R

Test Mode

Description Key Binding
run test file SPC m t b
run test at pointer SPC m t t


Description Key Binding
Open/close shell SPC '
Open/close zsh SPC a s T
Browse command history SPC m H
Next item in history C-j
Previous item in history C-k
Create <N> shells. Go to <N> <N> SPC '

Org Mode

M-RET and SPC m are equivalent in org-mode


Description Keybinding
insert heading M-RET h i
insert subheading M-RET h s
insert footnote M-RET i f
insert link interactively M-RET i l
insert TODO heading T
show export options C-c C-e


A section is delimited by another section’s heading. Same applies to subsections.

Description Keybinding
navigate between headings gh, gj, gk, gl
un-indent line <
indent line >
promote subsection M-h
demote subsection M-l
move subsection up M-k
move subsection down M-j
mark last heading as TODO t


Description Keybinding
toggle current subsection TAB
toggle all sections S-TAB
focus on subtree M-RET n
focus off M-RET N


Note: <sideways> stands for either left or right arrows

Description Keybinding
toggle bullets S-<sideways>
demote item M-l
promote item M-h
move up M-k
move down M-j


Description Keybinding
previous cell (
next cell )
beginning of table {
end of table }
move column sideways M-h / M-l
move row up / down M-k / M-j
select cell vae
select row vaE
select table var
prepend column M-L
prepend row M-J
delete column M-H
delete row M-K
continue numbering S-RET


Description Key Binding
IRC SPC a i e
Gitter (IRC tsl/ssl) SPC a i E
Next buffer SPC a i i
Switch buffers SPC m b
Send action SPC m d
Join channel SPC m j
Run /names#channel SPC m n
Run /list SPC m l
Part channel SPC m p
Quit ERC SPC m q


Description Key Binding
list magit commands SPC g m
show git status SPC g s
open magit blame SPC g b
start git time machine SPC g t

Magit buffer

Many of Magit’s commands popup a buffer for an interactive user experience. These can only be used in such buffers.

Description Key Binding
display help C-c C-c
log current branch l l
diff staged changes d s
diff unstaged changes d u
stage file or change s
unstage file or change u
create new commit c c
amend commit c a
rebase elsewhere * r e
rebase interactive r -i e
checkout a branch b b
create branch b c
fetch changes f f
pull and rebase tracked F (r) u
refresh g r

* Normally on master

Check out Guowei Lv’s tutorials on rebase basics, and rebase before merging branches on Magit. Also, check out his tutorial on Magit bisect.
