Spacemacs Basics

Version: 0.200.XX

Table of Contents

Keybinding mode

C-z toggles holy and evil keybinding modes. When the cursor is blue, spacemacs is in holy mode. When it’s yellow, in evil. All spacemacs cheat sheets assume evil mode.

To get a list of all the keybindings type SPC ?. Check the section below on Helm for details on using that kind of list.

Exit Spacemacs

Description Keybinding
stop / cancel C-g
restart spacemacs SPC q r
exit spacemacs C-x C-c
save then exit spacemacs :wqa RET
close/exit mode buffers q

File Management


First we decide what we want to do:

Description Keybinding
open file SPC f f
save file SPC f s
recently open files SPC f r
rename current file SPC f R
delete current file SPC f D
copy current file SPC f c
open binary in hex editor SPC f h
list file’s dir contents SPC f j

The SPC ff keybinding can also take a path, in which case it will create all necessary directories in between.

Then, we choose on which file we’ll do it. To move around the list

Description Keybinding
go up one directory C-h
move up/down the list C-k/C-j
jump to file C-q
Completion TAB

At times we might lose focus on Helm’s mini-buffer. To regain focus simply SPC w b.


Spacemacs automatically tracks any git project (.git sub-directory), whose file we open.

Description Keybinding
List projects SPC p p
Find a file in project SPC p f
List project open files SPC p h

RET completes the actions started with either of the SPC f keybinding family. It also opens the highlighted project/folder.


Description Keybinding
toggle NeoTree at pwd SPC f t
toggle NeoTree at root SPC p t
hide NeoTree buffer q or fd
stretch tree TAB
navigate files/dir j / k
make root directory R
expand dir; open file l or RET
open file in window <#> <#> l
open file vertical split ¦
open file horizontal split -
toggle hidden files s
create node c
rename node r
delete node d
help ?

Crash recovery

Spacemacs auto-saves files. To recover them simply SPC SPC recover to list all recovery options.

Moving the cursor

Description Keybinding
One line down j
One line up k
left h
right l
back one word b
advance one word w
beginning of line 0
end of line $
Beginning of file g g
End of file G
Top of buffer H
Middle of buffer M
End of buffer L
Go to line <number> :<number> RET or <number> G
Jump to line SPC j l <line-anchor>
Jump to <char> SPC j j <char>


We can set any character as a marker (<m>). That is, a temporal “buffer bookmark”. Marks allow us to move around a document easily.

Description Keybinding
set marker to <c> key m <c>
back to marker <c> ' <c>
back to elsewhere ' '
view all marks :marks
delete marks :delm

Since markers only last for a session, all marks are cleared when we close its buffer.


Description Keybinding
Scroll down C-e
Scroll up C-y
Page up C-u
Page down C-d
Swap between last two buffer SPC TAB
Close current buffer SPC b d
Pick buffer to close C-x k
Switch buffer SPC b b
Scroll full screen down C-b
Scroll full screen up C-f
Scroll current line to top zt
Scroll current line to middle zz

The SPC bb keybinding can take a filename/buffer to search for it. RET will open it.

Basic editing

AKA Command mode

Note: <matched> may be any char of the pairs "", '', (), {}, []

Description Keybinding
Copy line y y
Copy word y w
Delete character under cursor x
Delete a word d a w
Replace word c i w
Delete from cursor to end of word d w
Delete from cursor to end of line d $
Delete a whole line d d
Indent line > >
Unindent line < <
Remove paragraph indentation = a p
Undo last command u
Redo command C-r
Repeat last command .
Put last deletion after cursor p
Replace <matched> contents c i <matched>
Join lines separated by whitespace J
List copied (yanked) text* SPC r y
Delete <matched> w/ contents d a <matched>
Delete <matched> contents d i <matched>

*We can move around the list of yanked text with the Helm keybindings. RET pastes the highlighted line under wherever the cursor was.

Many of the commands above can be preceded by a number to get the command that amount of times. For instance, 3dd will delete the line under the cursor, as well the two below it.

Insert mode basics

You can type after any of these as in a regular editor.

Description Keybinding
Insert (before cursor) i
Append (after cursor) a
Append (end of line) A
Prepend (to line) I
New open line below o
New open line above O
Correct word c w
Correct line c c
Exit insert mode ESC

To toggle from insert mode to command mode quickly we can use ESC or type fd quickly.


Description Keybinding
Split window to the right SPC w V
Split window horizontally SPC w S
Close current window SPC w d
Rotate windows SPC w r
Toggle golden ratio SPC t g
Switch to window <#> SPC <#>
Close window SPC w c

UI Toggles

Most of these key binding toggle on/off different ‘UI’ elements. All are helpful at one time or another but hardly ever all at once.

Description Keybinding
Highlight current line SPC t h h
Display indentation guide SPC t i
Display absolute line numbers SPC t n
Version control info SPC t m v
Global indent guide SPC t TAB
Display fill column SPC t f
Display whitespace SPC t w
Highlight indentation current column SPC t h c
Highlight indentation level SPC t h i
Fringe (~) SPC t ~
Display fringe SPC T f
Cycle color theme SPC T n

Init file

Description Keybinding
Go to init.el SPC f e d
Apply changes SPC f e R
Diff init.el after upgrade SPC f e D