
Document Ruby code using simple comments.

Table of Contents



# = H1
# == H2

And so forth.


# Paragraph
# Still Paragraph
# New Paragraph
#   this.will.be(verbatim)

Inline modifiers

Inline text modifiers.

<em>text</em> _text_
<b>text</b> *text*
<tt>text</tt> +word+

Precede first control-char with \ to escape it.

Classes, source files, and method names are linked automatically using plain text Eg. http:, mailto:, ftp:, and www. prefixes.

Images are turned into <img>s automatically.

Use link:asd/asd.html for links relative to -op dir.

Labeled links with either one of:

{multi word label}[url]


Lists are typed as indented paragraphs with:

# Regular paragraph
#   * bullet list
#   - bullet list
#   1. numbered list a. alpha list
#   A. alpha list
Labeled Lists
# [cat] small domestic animal
# [+cat+] command to copy standard input

For tabular format:

# cat::   small domestic animal
#         indent the second line
# +cat+:: command to copy standard input
#   you don't have to indent all the
#   way though

Horizontal Rules

# --- or more hyphens

Doc Modifiers

Method calls

Beginning of method comment call-seq:.

# call-seq:
#   function(arg1,arg2) => result
#   function(arg1, arg2, arg3) => res
# Begin description

Stop Comments

Description Modifier
omit documentation :nodoc: / :nodoc: all
Document nothing further at the current level :enddoc:
Toggle current scope documentation :stopdoc: / :startdoc:
alias toggle current scope documentation -- / ++

For example,

# rdoc Comment line
# Not a rdoc comment
# rdoc again

Yield arguments

Relabel yield arguments.

def fred # :yields: index, position
  yield line, address


# --------------------------------------
# :section: My Section
# This is the section that I wrote.
# --------------------------------------

Other modifiers

Description Modifier
Don’t use initialize signature :notnew:
Insert file filename :include:filename
Set document title to text :title:text
Class name will appear on the index page :main:name

For more details read the official documentation

Original by jan.varwig.org. Licensed under Creative Commons BY-SA.